of (he to in of it hit to to to to be cut a la in a 10 a to to the his 1 4 4 4 CITY I BUSINESS. in Jaly for the We Offer This way of Ana boys. very Ones worth tor 50; for 87, 88 and worsted costs. da We are determined stock. Corver Small-por, College, corner Fourth Green streets.
H. DeSollar, Secretary. to not a lady that comes to Louisville viett A. C. Ridley: Cos meat retail Handrome goods and low are the No.
112 Fourth street. Courier-Tourual. FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 1, 1881. The Journal in Chicago, Eagle copter of the DAILY COCKIER JOCANAL strays te tad in Chicago at the tollwing Depot, It Deartero 1o1 News Depot, at the Palmer THIS AND THAT.
THE LONG AND SHORT OF The world sprang through the comer's tag A fear ago, Yet cone went out, or ate or male, To see the show, sone can teil, anto this dar. much was torn and swept away And Of that great tow; But af! agree. 0 ontcet tonal, Ribereal whale! Dre million mites long enough For any tail! WHEN Most gets into the Engileb prison, they wil: cut off his Herr. You can't; convince Cincinnatian there are not two comets. BLAINE hasn't keen sick, and his plume Jet etimulates the Featherheads.
ABRAHAM Luscots used to keep his left arto under his coat-tail while making THE crops in Vermont are very poor year, Edmunds having been away from home so long. MOTTO for the restaurant that utilizes dead roosters after the big main: bravest are the MAHONE repudiates an invitation to deliver a Fourth of July oration in Chicago, He la bass with the bligat of WOMAN who looks almost exactly Kate Bender has been seat to the Callfornta State Prison for ten years, for murder. "Ex who drifts into journalism," says recuat leaves This exa why we have so many worthless newspapers. is something rotten in the of Denmark," but as cremation is cominto favor there, the nuisance will doubtbe abated. CHURCH property has to pay taxes in Hampshire when it la worth over $10,000, some of the church people call for aD- BLAMED I can keep my mind off elegantly observed Mr.
Griscom, the Catergo faster, the thirty-second day of grad," experimest. THE blacks are to enjoy sleep mare than a Recogaising the Patiadelphians are to pat on several policemen. GEN GARFIELD's uncle Thomas who recently killed in a railroad smash up, suppited of the mudey for the Prealeducation. NAsaY'a letters from Europe are prosounced dat: but the pubile should sear that they are written for Oblo consumption. THosE who hare been looking impat'miy for appeatance of the eight-paze sold remember that the comet la stiil abroad.
QUEEN VIcTORIA has, refused to accept barrel af Keaturky whisky named to her This 00 the Prince of -(Joseph Medill, the Sunday park: pat pieaty of rail the victuals toThere be a big crowd out, and after they '11 want to drink." RUTHERFORD, of Fremont, gazIng heaven ward through bia opera-Doo's talk about Star routes this esening. Pm engaged exclusively with the comet, FORTY car running Paul, fourterb bours with pox patient who got on at a way They did not be was loaded, or 7 would have broken out. THE London Times CODe to trouble of bow they may sastain the Boeives to the water. Most people much rather learn bow they an rustain themselves on las 1. NORTHWESTERN personal:" peopie and lawyers of Marsdall, differ widely to their opinions the amount of whisky Judge Julian Cox can absorb and duct the business of the Circus Coat, Tamer! Thin' Cried Mr.
Finley. As his throcab the telephone; to hang reada my card. r'4 lite bit him wun da Ir said that eight more mills are to be built at Fall River, this tear. Better thetr emplores inore. Well, they don't bald, and, give their emploses more money.
the bricklayers and carpenters will bowl. Tax Columbus Pol'ce Board are travelto learn about the police mysteries of other cities. They must be hamoriste, If ta a police system in the United States la worth two and a half ceots, the taxpayers of Columbus would do well to buy it never let it get away. Ir is moved and seconded that Poet Stanton, of tee Teoman, be delivered to the Sheriff Franklin charge with the perpetration of the following outrage: Te wani to Correctly the If two, ebow SO-CALLED society Item notes that Mont, the Secretary's daughter, gave boating party 'from the nary-rard last Monday, the pary targa being drawn by a nary steam launch. A little eveat of this kind is a matter of The Hayes Admini-tration, which Was extra pure, sanctified these excursions.
Times. WHo sha'l correct the corrector Our estremed contemporary, the Chicago Times, justly chastises conceited and pretentious" paper published to the same city for site little circio of astonished readers the late Henry 8. Lane to 1880 on Confederate Democrat: ticket for Vice President, John C. Breckinridge beinz the Presidential The Times, having shown that its local contemporary had mixed Henry 8. Lane and "Joe" Lane up, declared that the latter was still living to Oregon.
We regret to state that General Joreph Lane died to April last. Trifles. FOUR years ago a wealthy lady named Miss Parker looked upon and loved Mr. John Field, then bead waiter of the Hotel Ottawa, Ottawa, P. at a time when she happened to be stopping at the bouse.
Her love conquered all her scruples, and, after making some inqutries about him, in course of time Sent for him, disclosed her affectione, then and there offered him her heart and which Me. Fleld accepted. They were married and went to Grantville, which Boston, where the in clover with his rich wife. The end romance comes with the death of Mr. which oceurred Elotel Ar the suzgestton, at first laughed at, of a philosopher, members of smoking clubs in Germany "made it their business to collect clear-tips among their friends, and boxes were put into tobacco stores and saloons for he same purpose.
Every mouth member the club made his collections. As charity understood to be the object of the colleetons, sums of money were frequently found the public boxes among the tips. At the ad of the year the tobacco was sold to saunt manufacturers, or for smoking tobacco. With the money the bought clothes and Christmas presents for orphan children or the Inmates of other charitable tostitutions. The agatem; as became general, grow to extraordinary proportions.
Hundreds of children to day elotbed and fed in Germany through this simple means, despite the fact that Germany is rather a pipe-amoking than a Post-office Etiquette. those baring desiinas with the stamp department the city will observe the following remuch will be currency, pucched, or worn cola, be accepted in payment for supplies purchased, more than cents be recetred to niezel coton. requirements of tbe Tressury Department them. LOCAL LINES From the Two Bury Cities Across the Ohio, Gathered Up By Courier Journalists. Harrison, the Boy Preacher, Having Converted Indianapolis, Turns Toward Now Albany.
Termination of the Gheens Damage Salt in the Clark Cireult Court. SOME OTHER ITEMS. New COMING VITALIST. young man, Mr. Harrison, who comes a a view of all the in New Albany.
will be an coject of interest for some Of bim and work the Sentinel speaks follows revival that been to progress at Robert's Park church for eighty-two days el osed There bare beed so far 1,916 con versions. In all retards these we -combined constitute. 000 of the most remarkable events 1 the history polis. beginning little cloud that appeared away, answer to 1 prayer, was perhaps bot larger than man's band. Bus there ter-reaculus talth; tbere was unconquerable carnestness; abere Was abiding trust, and the cloud expended.
16 came rapidiy nearer. It tho city, and sent cown coottnuous bowers of erace aud power. Now, then, if there are wbo object to our phraseolother welcotne to account tor the revival by 805D0 other of reasontue. We Dot unmindful of the tact that parton of the reediar press treat the subject of revirals, if DOS with 11-concraled fry, still, with an DOt 00 in consonance with the resu'ts they produce. Tha: 1 great work a teen in Indianapolis can not be gainsaid, In Its rings upon sorduty, it a number of interests intitastely associated its well being, bat are cot uscally or necessarily as religious, converted man, if be has beet go to work; if be bus beea of his family, n's will if his tave been clotted in rags, there a change of if his note ur.
to -Ina te luminous 10.000 bless which dow birth' from death unto care Little what terms ere med. There is now man, with new bopen, higher end ambitions. He is in die r.gut Lie is no the tum dert's are our of bim, and though enter and drive them into the ses. cety ca per by the loss of the for 16 bas gained a In presence of such sabilme transformation, why croak aboas terms or mesas? Way not estimate the Ines that have secrued to and thas are patens to al men who are not deaf or blind." TWO SERIOUS ACCIDENTS. GEORGE FisHeR and Jos.
Martia, employes of Murray's ship-yard, were injured vesterday at this yard, the former seriously and the latter sligbtly. workmen were engaged in placing a of timber called string on the boller-deck of a to yard. The clamp boiding the timber and striking them, knocked both of the to the water's edge. a distance of about thirty Martin deep gash in the while Flaber picked 1 insensible condition. He a pile of timber and his body was terribly Cannos, to waited upon him Lower found that his a shoulder distocated end 10 lodicated that his skull bad been fractured, it was that Injuries were fatal, Fisher bard-working and a tami3 dependent upoo him for port.
John Stores, who lives on Floyd street, between Lower Tend end the creek, injured whale work to Force's bicaory mill. He as of timber be with great toro; 19:0 his krockina out several and traoof the lower MISCELLANEOUS THE City Coupel wIll not meet again antil Monday night, acd these is scarcely any use la the Hepatica exiling texting tur Li abs 13 Lae seek. Hardly public is ferng secures ct the bolt of eta of the members, aDd only Interest that La the Tuere 20 the ct certa to because to meet. The Ace das to be very on scovuat of the failure of the to forget Chat ouly ago 150 can bolted and retuned to The tacoos.s.eat this mater. a to ba it 1a worse for oue otber.
The will clottes and the Democrata wten they REv. pastor of the to Cars coup. 4, da to bai of responded cash latte Dearly The batiding tbe church fur this an La red for cutie of rell- Ina Coart w01 not meet until Le foe the the Mr. Suckeis be decide to Mr. of Mundas anal Mr.
Dun das bourd, be the courts ou In June New Albany tea persons died, were arrested tally, cf ibe laternal Reve. 00: of stamon, in Justine War of of, sot to meatiaa tai pa and 1 uz local editor of the Ledger-Standard tat the tail of the comes a 4.000,000 clica 1002. a instauce wacte Mr. Cotton 1.4 streven AstroDucets al to as miles long. bu.
kcal editor it make prot atas. Miss employed mil Pearl cut taad vitely The adder the pre death. Dr. wound, of water melons arrived this 1565 looss ani to day B3 can pursuase of ens pr stets dad's labur. Tuc Board of Trade beld a meetinz last discOM statues relatio to the tax lers New wDereby ax this cite end by reducd.
inotning about 2 o'clock a boy to Da.zed tar Jugs Valor at mall 10.0 seria: adJ a alver. Ta: Courel fat'ed to mee: agals last night for want of a quorua. A meeting ca led tor to- stud as a there will be board, Tar Democratic editors bad a good Licae in Michizan ty yesterday. Tue adanens of Mr. Walwilt tel nad wuh inter.
st. REv. HARRISOX, revivalist, who arrives In the c4y a the cues: of Mr. W. C.
De Paw during has say bere. A TILLEr catered the bedroom of younz Wotan living Dear Kindles Cuurch jesterday and stole Taz Atr-line contractors have dificulty in secur.as Workmen, but are getting along well with their work. CONGRESSMAN STOCKELAGER La buliding new and cigar: ness dense in Corydon. Ha.rison county. MARRIAGE license was tasned yesterday to Bu am sad delta All D.
Jeffersoaville, CIRCUIT COURT CASKS Is the Circuit Court yesterday the jury in the ca of Georze Goiden Gheens, the fury este nto cours with a verd et gi-ing Golden $3,300, This was a mage suit. Checas cement mill to this county, and Golden. while emploved in th's mill runnina an engine, one lag became en ed in the macht ery sad teartuily injured, lostna both of bis arms. la his cemplaint be asked fur $30,000 damages, the cuunsel contending that the seckdens was caused br been not fu: nishinz the roper last was out of under, and bad LEt the machinery been ibe accident Tould Dot tave happened. Tte case presented for tLe plain: Hon.
James and K. this city, of and H004 Ster.log B. Tones Alabeu Baker. Louisville, and for the defense by Hon. Jones Howard.
S.meop 8. Jot and Z. clannud. motion the defendaat tor a new trial, which will be stated some day It week. Three parrods Were adjudged to the Carcass Coars Lamburn Bottorff, near dec.ared tone.
and a appointed over bi esta. e. Lyd.a Barto'd. of Bottort, Was deciared Bartora Greenwald was decared to te of unround mtod. Hon.
Jonas G. How. ard will commense co atng 420 acres of grass on farm tack of the court-Louse to-day. and if the roust want him tbe Aberiff will bare 10 yell for him through a The ca of Heary Geyer the city of Jeffersonville, which have como op was postponed 10-day. This la a suit for $9,000 07 reason of Geger tailing to a col'ar in this city.
SEISCELLANEOCS MATTERS. TaR News saga: "It is said that Jonas G. Howard made the best speech in defense of George Golden, the who tout both arts in mens mill about a ago, be ever made in his die. He presenied ciaim sot his client in a clear and concise and was at bome both in the use of language apd gesture. To bow that big speech carried with 18 much weighs and convict iota, is only necessary to state that the Jury returned verdict for bia lent.
repurarion ta becoming jus. is extensive. a good lawyer and adds laurels to his name in da very true about Jonas making an able argument, bus is so bapbened be araula Golden, and decided the was. Aside from this, the correct. and industrioas burglar visited Port Fulton on Wednesday night.
At James Cook's secured afieen cents, 1 new bat and a necklace. As P. H. Cart's a goid watch a gold locket, 1 of coral and a with $4 taken. AB Mr.
residence gold chain Tie would, doabi, have taken in town, but surprised to nis work by young man named Jas. who chased him several blocks, but was unsuccestal in the chase. Mr. Platt did bot wait to dress up, and, upon his retars home from the bait of the town was out to welcome him back in his simple aitire, which consisted mostly of a gauze birs and a liver-pad. No clue to MIsS CARROLL, daughter of Mrs.
Mary Carroll, graduated from Nazareth Academy yesterday, recelving very favorable mention from senebers. Nazareth in one of the noted female colleges and to be a graduate dustineutabed bonor. Misses Burke and Abra Herron, of this eltr, and Miss Moillo Sweeter, of who have been attending school there, returned last evening. Mrs. Carroll, of the House, grave a supper night to daughter, which enjoged by a large party of young people.
EXERT FORD is making a very of the ville Glass Company, in la better than before. Mr. Ford understands ail of glass-making from a twenty. plate to cutting out fancy weights. department la certain to Tun' new cell-bouse to Prison South, which has been needed several will be completed a month.
wul contain 000 which additional room, is is to be boped, will be a- ple to did the wants of the criminal etas in Soutbera for the rest decade. There are now 523 envieta in the prison, at utes the number runs up tore MIsSES CAMERON, Emma Rose and Belle Tonmba, young sebool will leave on Tuesday best Paoll, attend Normal School during vacation. visit West: be the guesta of Mra. 6. Goldbach.
gots there to remain during the summer. Da. BUERROD bae so many to crate on July 4 that be to 25. the way of a as an foundery is moved the ety will con vert be Frankta a pablio part. will CHAWPORD vesterday taken to up the for Slate life for Prison the North.
murder of Patrol Conror in this Hie is sad THE COURIER JOURNAL made good at of which Golden in of steamer Wharton McKnight arrived as Capt. command. 800 of Posey was the Oblo Falla will make her usual summer escarion up the Otto this FIELD MORROW la spending racation with N. held. Ins.
P. H. SWEENET, of Columbus, in THE COURTS. City CourtGreed one on motice of the the other Jair 1. continued until morrow, Mary bati in 9150 to soswer Circuit Court.
DEl. two to answer in (be Ccurt. Conduct- Mary ed to warrant, and tond in $100 for one Tomas Lane; continued until July 1. John Bridget BigMike ins, Thomas Higgins, Jatnes Berne and Birde; John Berne, Pell. Power and Dennis Sahib: fined 85 each until costa are paid.
Thomas doed 95, J. continued unil Abe Naves: continued until July 6. Mary John Connelly; continued uniti 6. and Pete Nichola; dismiesed by the aste roey. Drank and Disorderir-Andrew Jackson: by! the attorner.
Ed. Connelly: continued until July 6. Mil; told to answer in the CirCourt. Suspected Felons- James Rison and S. G.
Gersed; antl Saturdar. Carrying Concealed Weapons -John Elson; CODtourd to July 25. TO-DAY'S COURT CALENDAR. CHANCERY COURT-EDWARDS, CHANCELLOR. LOgicial Report.1 The following enses set es rules before His Honor W.
Edwards, Chancellor, on the 97 a dar of June. 1881, will appear every day this week except SaturCar: -Stobbe vs. Stobbe. va, Wahl. -Wood 1s.
E. and P. R. R. Ca; -Ortosby me, Orm by.
-Doel vi. -Gardiner ve. ad minis fa. Maro's betra. English a Swann.
re. Geedreich. Fetus 1a. Pears. 94 cite of Loutsrilla, va.
Haruey. -Zabol we. -Gleason vs. Haha. -Johnson Cheek Wattle'd.
-Lowry vs. Lowry. -Loatarille Real Estate Associatton Harper. trustee, va. Kramerich.
-Churchill 1s. Churchill. -Smith vs. Smith. 1s.
Baptiste. Alexander Allen county. do. Third National Bank Kean. 1s.
Touronjon. trustee, va. Branch. Attest: G. WALKER, D.
O. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT -POPE. JUDGE. EQUITY SIDE. The following cases sat as rules before Ris Honor Alfred T.
Pope. Vice Chancellor, on the 97th day of June. 1580, will appear every day this week: Satterwhite. vs. Tarior.
Bott On, va. Budi, WillIams va. Dern. C. 183-Belknap (0.
De Vell. adm Aters. V. C. 158 -Husak and wile; on petition.
Attest: J. G. WALKER. D. C.
There is no motion docket before the Free Chan- cellar to day. J. G. WALKER, D. C.
THE MERCHANTS' NATIONAL. Mr. Carutb Resigns an President and is Rucceeded be Ar. Mr. H.
C. Caruib, for President of the Merchants' National ton verterday and Mr. J. 8. Litdebberger, the former cashier.
Mr. resigpation is a notewon.he incident the history of tbe bank. Organized State bank eptember, Mr. Carats was then elected and continued to be Mentibed with, the tank until yetterday, when his tendered resignation accepted to consequence of bta contemplated abeeuce in Europe for a cuesideredie ttme. Mr.
Carib, Dot la king so active part in the management of the bar.a fur 10De ears. das con tauously civan his supervisors care, ard contributed by his judgment prudent to a bich bas leco marked feature of its mot. He still retains bia Director, a co bis resura sour again operate with buerd in promoting toterests of Institution in Wwich be FO great and just reuse of pride. His succesace, Mr. J.
era Luca ite ic ive ocer of the since his scraptance of the position of JEST 1, bas zivan twenty tte prime of Vito, with the experience cf mae. teal miod preciously trained commercial an its busines: sad in atriaz it prominance among the Shane al of the la ba sad applica- the interests of the bank, mucb is das. not to and to ac4 prodeat methous, but for its studied fatness to We manufacturing and commercini inter. of aba city. stockho.ders bare to 01 wish the returns apog their baring received beadsome dividends since the lual or of aDd undid Ged of oter $112,000 a capital of aud the of to that amount.
w45 an adittonal premium. The oatsion of cashier bas been tiled br the too of Mr. Was. Jobnsoa, who tea and in differed. in bank it since 1904.
will theretore, that changes bare in the duce that went will continue to by the activity, diligence and Liberality that boretotore terzd and we hope to see ita Deld of usefulness continually broadened tbat it may tereby pace with the and of tbe basi. and tadustr.es of ety and State. A CALICO WAIST, bich Fastened Young Girl' Guilt on Her Shoulders. Mary Smith was tried in the Cly Court yesterday morn de bodse-breaking. She is a frail, etender young girt, about years old, with dark yellow bair, requier, well-cut features, ratter pa and possessed of larve degree of intelligence.
be appeared in court witt out tricods or adrisers. and though the preferred against ber ite ed: 1D which placed might Daturally be expected to produce feeling of trepidation in young woman, she secmed coltrely different, and if moved by sOT agitation 1: was Dot Visible. Ber cicthes were ragged and sotted la a wreiebed manner, and nothing covered her feet but ad old pair of Lose out at toes and heels. On Inst Mcadas the couse of Mrs. Munsee, on Eighteeutb and Bank streets, was entered and several suall articles stolen, among them a calico waist and st irt.
Yesterday morning about o'clock as 00- cer Firan way patzoling bis best, Eighteenth 800 Bank streets, be beerd some oce shoutmg for the potice, and starting in the direction of the sounds met the girl Sanith running towart him. He arrested ber and placed ber in the stationconse. Rome time during the same night, Wednesder was seen in the sard of Private OMicer Ganooo, with whom she lived once, by his wafe, and to ber sate to get out left ber shoes and dressskirt. When ste was presented to the court yesterar she bad on the waht of tbe dress, the lower of watch sbe had dropped to Gennon's yard. It was by that Mrs.
Mange appeared against her testined that the waist she bad on was the one which bad been stolen from ber bone. The etri introduced no evidene: to explain ber pa session of the dress, and the time at which shy was caught be Dg a wholly unseasonable bour at which a young girl should be found on tbe or to else's tack-jard, Jadue Dupu concluded to let the grand jury pass 00 ber case, and abe was put under $150 bond for ber appearance. abe wens back to jail in defauit of tail, The New Fair Project. In order that there may ba no mistake as to the attaching to the present conduct of the Patr Grounds, it la orc per to state that the new assoelation is not to assume authority before the lat of Auzust, Wben it doos take tb6 retas what bee, in spite of "oceans of dust," become the chief fashionsbie driving resort of Louisville, will be treated so as at once to insure comfort and safely. The Important enterprise undertaken by the Fair Association is regarded with the greatest fa vor, and no part of the programme la thought better of than that which proposes the boiding of horse These antes will be beid twice -one sale in the spring and the other on the Monday after the tail tair.
Mach of whet will pass under the bammer co these occasions be premtum antmals, and the ales will exette an toterest second only to that of the Fu.r itself. In of the tall sales, barers can very conveniently tase fo both the sale and the Fair. Much good must Decessarily result bot this movement, especially to the South, wbere fine stock of all kinds is now being duced, and where with the return of something lite the old-time prosparity, the noble horse is tong rapidly restored to favor source of the Ones enjoy mont. Monthly Police Report. Number of arrests made during 1, month, -First, 181; Second, Tutrd, Fourth, 50, CHARGES -Attachment from City Court, 1: assault and battery.
17; attempt at rape, 1: capias from City Court, cutting and with to 21; carrying concealed deadly 18; craelty to animals, buying stolen property the to be drunk and derly cuntuct, 985; 1: fugitive from felony warrants, 17; Inise swearing. fast and reck ens drivina, grand larceny, 98, gambling on the streets, robbery, bores stealing, lunacy, miscemeanor warrants, 110; murder, money nader false pretenses, woundine with to without wound booting in city limits, feton, 14; petit ing counterfeit money, interfering en offcur, drivers running over persons, 1. NATIVITY United States. colored, Germany, Ireland, 41g Italy, England, 1. -Under 9e; between and 20, 227; tween 30 and 50, 168; over 51, 84.
Male, female, 114. Number committed to the Work-bouse during the mouth, 96. Insh Land-league Picnic. The arrangements for the be the branches of the Land League of this city at Park, on July 4, bare been fborough, and from the general interest manifested on all sides it in expected it will be the largest given bere for Three banda musio bave been engaged; a platform for dancing parposes will be built, to by to conjanetton with the pince anally ased for that purpose. street cars will afford ample accommodations to elf destrous of contributine to the saccess of the ocaaloo.
will be presant. lent order will be preserved, ample police force will be detalled for purpose. This will be occasion for family nothing will spared that would tend to the enjoyment of ME Wale, and Green, will take charge of to the way of supplies, giving aofor Specially been secured on all the rallroade and steam ponta for the of persons living at a distance. Attention, Newsboys. The petaboys of Loutwille are requested to meet at 7 to-night, in front of the Court-boare, to arrange for the 4th of July entertainment.
Let every boy be on band promptly at the bour. Philadelphia, by a Philadelphia of theirs of could get -SERVICE REFORM. Organization of Society of the friends Terk City bare organGeorge William Curita elected President and Gen. George B. MaD, Gon.
B. E. Bristow, Horses White, Mr. 5, L. Godkin and olber gentleman of largo and the are otficers and ested in the object of the da to a system of appointments in the civil service of the country founded on the principle that persons of proved oniy are to be and that they are bold ofduring behavior.
Dol during the pleasure of chiefs. 10 in belloved that among the thoughtfal and throngbout the country there is a very gonerel feeling fu furor of the proposed reform, and that suet could do much to advance ibe idea, it organteed into local societies. The friends of the to all the local eoclety, and this has already been done la large cities have, bean to form Boston, Balttinore a and St. Louts, and within the few society been formed following geatlemen elected as President -Hon. A.
P. Hon. W. F. Bullock, Eon.
James S. Pirde, Hon. I. U. Pindell, Hon.
Col. A. 8. John Willis, Ward. Hon.
J. 1. Gabright, R. M. Kelly Executive Committee- James P.
Heim, Hon, E. J. Meter A. R. Cooper, W.
Harris, Temple Bodies, A. 8, Braudels, 8. C. Brannin. It to beloved there are friendly this movement who bare not get joined the Ston, and they are requested to' communicate Mr.
I. C. Branniu, the Secretary, or some member of the Executive Cemmittee. Tue St. Louts Merchants' Exchange decided br a vote of the members that when 10 edJourne Friday it will not reopen Tuesday Dext.
FINANCE AND COMMERCE. MONETARY. TUCRSDAY EVENING, June $0, The Clearingbouso exchanges in Jane, and in the drat six months of the curren: year, were followa, wilh comparIscos: 1891. March 23 4 512 040 The clearings in 1851 show an increase in round numbers of $47,000,000 as compared with 1850, 000,000 as compared with 1879, and $82,000,000 compared with The clearings to-day amounted to $1,167,444, the currency balance was $145,954 40. The discount matter was moderately active and steady, cemmercial paper of 60 to 90 days quotable at 637 per and call loans at per cat.
Eastern exchange was without quotable variations, New York sight bille sold between bauks at 500.750 per $1,000 premium. The market for local stocks and tonda Orm with bat ititle doing. The following were the local quotations for Gor. ernment bands: Buvine. Selling.
So of 1681. coupons per 108 coupons. 1154 Currency 68, Latest NEw June Moner market cetive at 80 at 4. Prime mercantile paper cent. Steritng exchange dull; for 00 days and 480 for demand.
Bar sliver 11156: at London ounce. Government bonds were Arm and generally bade bigher. boude were fairly active. State securities in light request. The stock market opened strong for the general list but and lower fcr erated railway socks, which fell off to 2 cent.
At the Brat board the markes became strong, and an advance of 334 to 5 cent, took place, Manhattan Elevated, Metropolitan Elevated and trunk-line shares leading the Improvemeat. This a followed br a reaction of to 2 which most marked in elevated stocks, bus during the afternoon epeculation atato "became Arm, and pricas rose to 4 Nortb west preferred and common and Hannibal and 84. Joseph preferred beinz the most promineat tu the advance. in the Snal doalings a sighs pressuze to soli vailed, aad a fractional raction followed, Oregon Navigation advanced cent, on the day's transac- The trananctions to-4ar atgregated 9 :6.000 shares, as follows: Canada Souibern. Cabiral Pacide, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, Denver and Rio Grande, Hannibal and 8t, Josept, 2,500: Kansas and Texas, Lake Shore, 12.0:0; and Nashville, Lake Erie and Western.
Michigan Central, Elevated, Chicago and Northwes Jersey Central, New York Nortbern Obio and and Western, 1,8.0: Obio Central, 200; Pacite Mail, Pearls, Decatar and Evanisite, Philadelphia and Reading Malwacand St. Paul, 11,40 St, Paul 4D1 Omata, Texas PaciDe, Union St. Louts and Pacide, Western Unico, Metrophitian Elevated, Moblie and Oblo, C. aDo 2,000, and Sutro Tunnel 5,000, GOFERNMENT BONDS. Coupons of 11 54 New Even, and 139 New four, Pacite sizes BONDS.
La. consol New FL. Va. com. ex-mid Tennesice Do deferred Ceo.
Pac. aloo C.P mos'y Lehigna C.C.A Do. Ere Fort Into Chic. N. Do.
200 Lake Can. Souther Do. Do. Morris Del. Obio 4 Do.
preferred. I. Chem, onio. Do fret preter'd Mobile Cleve. c.
c. a 1. Onio Central. Laze E. Peorte, D.
Ontario 4 L. B. Mein. Cin.19t Do Bur.C.&.& Nor 'a Alton Du, Do. Do.
Iron San Do. preferred. Do. Ch. VL.
L. KaDs80 Texas U. Central Pact North'ra Do. Cale Hoastona Texas 101 Rio 110 Missouri Pacide Western Union. I U.8.
Wells Adars Americed Express. Expr. datE Boston Bond and Stock Market. BOSTON, June closing quotations of the Stock Exchange: STOCK, B. Water 109-16 Boston Do.
landgra at. Hitnew Atch. Boston Boston a common. Rusiand 00m Wis. Cel.
F.OP Mar. sales. TRADE ITEMS. Movement of Leading Articles. LOUISVILLE BOARD OF TRADE.
June Movement leading articles by rati and river durina the twenty-four bours, and correapending period year: ARTICLES. Ship'd Ale, beer and Bacon, Banging, Boots and sboes, Cotton, Fruit, package Bame, Furniture, Hardware, Leather, buodia Natti, Oil, carbon, Potatoes, Sugar, Tobacco, Tobacco, tared, 9.817 84.030 184 Comparative Stocks of Grain. The following are the footings of the official port of grate in store in Chicago on Saturdas ing last, and at the corresponding date last year: 1581. 1580. No, winter 81,817 No.
8.8 18. seller July: 0 aTe colter A cominal af 806. at 4.800. dairy at Mess Jobhine 6.10c: 8.50e; clear sides clear rib aides at $11 95. 19,000 80,000 94,000 basbels: menta: dour 8.000 barrels: wheat 81,000 busbels: corn 100.000 bushels; outs 8,000 bushels; 130 BODe.
BALTIMORS. June 80. Flour with a Jobbing trade Western superfine $8 do extra 04 05 do family 85 5. 36 50. Western easier, closing dull; No winter red spot and June 61 seller 01 seller A seller tembar 001 a mixed spot and seller June and July for seller September white do mised Eye dull: cood to Har anchanged: prime to choice 617000 son.
and Mess pork, old 817 50; DeW Bulk packed Bacon, shoulders The clear rib sides c. Hams, Lard, tierces Butter Arm: Westera fresh grass quiet at 15c. Petroloum unchanged, redned ekic. Coffee quiet: Rio ordinary to tau Sugar steads; A soft Whisky at $1. 11, Freiabts to Liverpoot steamer unchanged: cotton four tons grain doar 1 621 barrels: wheat 64,794 cora busbels: oats 1.550 Shipments: wheat 195,678 bushelst corn busbels.
Sales wheat 852,104 corn basbels. PHILADELPHIA. June Flour steady: Western extra good 84 Minnesota extra 85 50; court fancy 1976: Tilinots choice 80 witter parents $6 95: Minnesota patent prop a 80 6007 35. Rre four nominaily uncinnsed at EtC Wheat No 8 red in $1 0495: do on' track $1 85; No 9 red seller June 81 2544: seller 91 1 seller August September 81 Corn fair demand; soil mixed on treek steamer on track and at grain depot No 8 53 0 mil seller June 5414 056c; selier July seller Angust 68 seller September 571 Onla steady with a moderate demand: No white 404fe: No 8 do mixed 87c, Provisions in rood nerend. Beef, mess $14; India mess 824.
Pork prime mess $17 50. Hame. smoked Lard, prime steam 811 58. Butter centery 2002fe: New York State and Bradford county. Pa.
exita 180 81c: dairy 190 1cc. Kous at Cheese state; creamery 844 Petroleum comfoniir ur chaneed at Whisky arm at $1 12. Receipts: dour 4,000 barrels; wheat bushels: corn 80,400 basheis; oats 4,000 Shipments, wheat 10,000 bushels; corn 08.000 buste's. NEW ORGANS. June 80.
-Flour dull: superfine double extra 84 95004 50: triple extra 84 73005 99: high 'grades $5 bu, Corn caster at Cats quiet at Corn meal at 15. Her quiet and steady: prime $18 50; choice $80 ton. Mess pork quiet and wonk $17 17 20, Lard firm: tierce $11 800 11 keg $19 25. Bulk ments in fair dethand; shenlders 4 06 500; rib sides 916e: clear sides 10c. Bacon higher: shouiders clear rib sides fict clear sides Haws.
sugarcured canvased 10 Watsky orm; -Western reetified 81 0601 steady with fair demand; Rio ordmary to prime Sugar quiet and common to good common to fully fair 114 tprime to chotse 8 00 Molasses in feir demand; common 0 fair 950080 prime 40c. Rice stendy; Louisia a ordinary so prime 546. BraD with a fair demand at exchange on New York 50 per 61,000 premium. Sterling exchange TOLEDO, Juno The noon board opened: Wheat, weak; No red seller July $1 seller August asked; seller all year 81 144 asked: amber Michigan $1 80, Corn quiet but Orin; bigh mised No spot and seller June and July 4Pc: Angust 48160: seller all sear Oats cull and unchanged: No 8 seller Saptembar Tbe market closed: wheat steady and easier: red spot $1 collar anis 81 seller August seller September beid as $1 1436: seller all Corn steady: No spot 47960 asiced; seller July seller A 481c bid. seller September bid, aek.
d. Osta weak: No 8 spot seller Recetpta: wheat 46,000 bushels: corn 48,000 oats 1,000 bushels, Soipments: wheat $4,000 busbels: corn 85,000 bushels; on DODe. MIL.W AUERA. June quiet and unchanged. Wheat steady and firm: No 1 Milwaukee bard 81 81: No 1 do common nominal: No hard 81 16: No 2 do common 81 11: seller July $1 11; setter August 81 colter Bentomber 81 seller October $1 No de 61 08; No 4 Cora bigher: No 3 Oats No 2 8546c.
Rye Grier: No 1 Barley duil and nominal: No 4 spring 95c. Provisiona quiet. Meal pork $16 80 cash and seller July: 816 48 seller steam $11.40 crab and seller Juir; $11 seller August. Live in lair demand and unebanged at 35 6005 90. to Buttalo: wheat Receipte: four 000 barrels: wheat 60,000 busbols; baner 8,900 bastele, Shipments: dour 18,000 barrels: corn 75,0001 eta: cata none.
CINCINNATI, Jane easter: family 85 400 5 76; faves unchanged at 8605 60. Wheat woaker: No 2 red winter. 81. Corn weaker; No mixed 48c. Data stronger: No 2 mixed Rye duil; No 4 990.
Barlos, no Meas pork or at 816 50. Lard and blaber at $11 Bulk meats quiet but Arm; shou ders clear rib aides 6.65c. Bacon stronger: boulders 7e; clear rib sides clear sides 9,55, Watsky steady at $1 08, Butter dull and unchanged: fancy crones 20084c: choice Western Reserve 16c; choice Central Oblo 14a. Linseed oil 48c. INDIANAPOLIS, June 30.
-Wheat stands: No 2 red $1 17. Cora Grus at Oats weak at Cattle Markets. INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANAPOLIS, June 30. -Union 8'oak Yards(le: martet steady with good demand: batebers sipping stockers sad fenders receipts 500 625 toad.
Sheep, demand active at 88 5004 75; receipts 550 bead; shipments 800 bead. ST. 8r. Louts, June 80. -The Westara Live Stock Jourcal reports: Cattie, receipts 2,100 bead: shipments 800 bead: antives slow and weak: grass Texans active steady: exporters $5 bear shipping steers 85 75; light do 50: native butcher steers crass Texans $3 2504 86: feeding steers 005 1 stockers $8 75004 recetpia 700 bead: shipments 000 bead; good demand; fair to faces $804 15.
CHICAGO. CHICAGO, Jane rest ots 5.500 head: shipments bead; market steady and (nirly acesports 25; good to choice shipping $5 60 65 90; common to fair 8505 50. Mbeep, receipts 800 bond; market Arm: medium choice 94 SEW YORE. NEW YORK, June The Drovers' Journal bureau reports: Beeven, receipts bead, all for export: no to cattle yers; beef aides in fair demand for Texas: for natives: shiments 100 bead of live cattle, 560 quarters of beef and 200 on of mutton. beep, receipta head: market active.
Arm and bieber as $406 95 for inmbs; Southera and Western 86 23 per 100 Jersays 8300 75 per 101 is; a car-locd of 189 De average, sold to an caporter, at 85 85 per 100 Ds. BUFFALO. BUFFALO, Jane receipts to-day C45 bead: arrivals consigned through 478 head; nothing doing: fresh consigned thrunch. Sheep and lambs. recetpta day 2,500 brad; throuch Si demand and offerings light; sale of 1 carof Ohio abeep at 40; choice quotable at all sold.
PITTSBURGH. LIBERTY. June 30. -Cattle, receipts to-day selling prices, recetpta bigber so-day than 1,500 bead: prices 100 yesterday. Markets.
INDIANAPOLIA June 80 Mock Drovers' Journal repora: bogs, markat strong and bigner: $005 Torses 60 50 35 90; receipts 4,600 bead: 8,000 bead. St. Louis, June market Yorkens $5 80; 95; choice to fancy 15: 6,500 shipments 1.500 bead. CINCINNATE. June market quiet: common and light 04 packing and butebers 85 18; receipts 8,500 bead; shipments 600 bend.
CHICAGO. June The Drovers' Journal reparte: Bogs, receipte $4,000 head; shipments 8,800 head: strong demand for bacon grades: mixed packing 85 60005 00: light $5 9006 15; choice beary $306 25. NEW YORK, June 30. -Hoas, receipts bead: 100 Dope De for for live: alive: nominally mart et quiet; quoted al hogs $5 8714008 per 100 Da. BUFFALO.
June receipts to-day 3.000 bend: conclaned through 117 car-loads: light to good dum Yorkers 26 $5 1000 75008; 90: choice quo able at 26 1C; rood mo1 of extra at $6 80; pigs $:05 50. PITTSBURGH, June receipts to-day 400 Philadelphias 6 30; Yorzera $5 75 05 90. Cotton Markets. NEW YORK. June 80.
-Cotton. market steady: midding futures Arm; seller July 11c: setter August 11.08c; seller September 10.79c; seller October seller November seller December 10.15c: seller January 10.86c: seller February seller March 10.59c. GALVESTON, June 30. -Coston, market quiet: midding low middling good ordinary net 247 exports 17 bales; snies 815 bales; stock 32,148 bales. NEW ORLSANS, June 24.
market gutet: middling low middling good ordinary net receipts bales: gross 1,457 bales; expurts to Great Brimin 4,855 tales: exporis to continent 880 bales; sales 1,900 bales: stock 111,805 bales, MEMPHIS, Jane -Cotton, market quiet; reselpt: 102 baler: shipments 456 ba'es: stock 16,477 tales: sales 50 bales: middling ST, LOUIS, June Cotton. market unchanged; middling recotpts 800 bales: shipments 1,800 bales: sales 900 stock 19,800 bales. CINCINNATI, June 30. -Cocton, market quiet; midding Oil Markets. PITTSBURGH.
June 80. -Petroteum, market setive: Guited certificates steadier at reined for Palladelphta delivery. OLEVELAND, Jane 50 quotatione unchanged; Standard white, 110 WILMINGTON, June of turr-atine firm and unchanged at 41c. Dry Goods Market. NEW FORK, June Bustness continues Hebe with commission houses abd cuiet with jobbers.
Cotton goods are Arm std unchanged. Cotton neis are lungely soid ate Prints and lavas are guter, Men a wear woolens are moving steadily back order, and flannels and blankets are to fair demand. Foreign Pinancial and Commercial. LONDON. June 80, -Consols 101 8-16.
Goverument Bonds- New 118; Railroad Illinois ('entral Petitevivania Central New York Central Erie do seconda 106: Rending Amount of bullion in the Bank of England has decreased 2900,000 during the past PARIS, June Reptes 860 ANTWERP, June Petroleum 191gt. LIVERPOOL. June 30, 5 F. M. Cotton, market Arm: middling 6 ester bales: and export 1,000 American bales.
Cheese Lard LIVERPOOL, June 8:00 -Bacon. Cumberland cat dull at short 1b sides dull at Cheese, American choice at 500. Turpentine, spirits stoady at 80: do at steady at Sis. PARIS, June The stecte the Bank of France Increased during the past week gold, and in silver. MINING STOCKS.
Boston Mining Stocks. Boston, June 80. Mining stocka cloned as follows: new. Madison Cal't new Catalpa Quincy. Capper Ridge.
DE Dean Sliver New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, Jane 80. Coalpa quotations New York Mining Exchange: Do. Central Romesta Standard Little Sliver tOttered. THE RIVER AND WEATHER.
GENERAL LAWS WRATH CHASIONS IN THE ORIO VALLET. affect thin locality generally appear to the a ward. An area of low eter (storm center) generally moves s'ightly to the north of An area of barometer to the south of in with of a low found winds and clearing to No. No. 1 Total Total These week 870,700 oats, of corn, Total bushels.
The followine in New York, Brookiyn and City grain houses and beid on certificate to lighters 1581. 1581. June Tune 18. Rye. 67,727 Call, 857.666 Wheat, 1,607.741 Corn, 709.815 Barley, 19,618 81,006 219,085 The French Wheat Crop.
A Richmond, banking and follows the reports of private respondenta in Frances and Midland blooming bave taken place under ta circamstances, At present the prospects are very good, and the barvest will probabiy ba fortnight earlier than Weather, however, has turned cold and wet. Department report. The Gelds are to splendid condition, bus the weather is wet and cold and untavorable for caring. and Moselle- On beavy land the crops are splendid, but they require more rain on the lands Weather wet and cold. Departments An abundant greatly above the average expected, bus the weather Dow la ver ungental for blooming.
Crope look well, although backward. All depends upon the that the plants are coming into bloom. Weather is cold and wot. and the crops appear crous and benithy. The I lands wauted and bave bad some rain.
It everything goes on well there will be a good crop, but the is just now unis able for bicoming. -Excellent prospecta It everything goes right, but weather or present very ants The plants are and in splondid condition. The prospects at present are excalioat, bus all now dapends upon the weatuer. satisfaction is expressed at this rear's crop prospects. The pinats are in excellent condition, but nothing can be said before the bloomlog period is over.
Weatber cold and rainy. "We presume that no opinion cas be given ret. The general outlook is very promising, but is only over in the south of France, and remains a very critical period in all otter departments. Weather unfortunataly bus turned chilly and wol. and is very Lake and Casal Charges.
York Commercial Bulletin.1 The ruling rate by canal from Battalo to New York per bushel on wheat. The following items of expense ou load of 8,000 bunbels may throw some light on these exactions, which call loudly for suppression. that our great transportation regula. tor of freights between the East acd the West will be placed in a position to defy all competicion whatever sodros: CANAL CHARGES BUFFALO FOR A SINGLE BOAT LOAD. Tug Scalpage 00 towing InsuranceTrimming cargo Canal tolls Charzes at New York, per day Elevation, Hodson river sowingAverage abortage, 10 busbel Total Axed Freight 00 8,000 busbels at 480.
per bushel $840 00 Balance left to pay ordinary expenses of the trip including feed of teams, bands' wages; 100 70 This, mast te remembered, for carrying 240 tons of wheat 600 miles for the return trip. 1,400 miles): a pittance of oue and a fourth cast per bushel not. Evea including the full average bandred tons of "West-bound at tue per ton to Buffalo, the bosiman for the return trip $70. This gives the canal carrier iban per bushel for tbe round trip. The Eastern Iron Market.
I New York. Commercial Bulletio, June 29.1 American Pig--it is yes a very uncertaio market, with the advantages more in favor than otterwise, though Do greater probably then they bave been for some time back. After period of almost complete a agnation. a lew orders came in. and, as a matter of course, a better feeling among sellers is soon reported.
This ba somewhat to far as it goes, but when -I: comes to determine the amount of business for two, three more consecutive weeks, inatances are rare that the total are found to be within large percentage of might ba looked on fair for the question. In short, the buying seems to be spasmodic and not conducied in per giving any todication that the majority of conare icelined to take more stock than la needed to meet passing wants, unless possibly some guarantee is given againet love br unfavorable turn the market may observations tail to discover condition of bopeicas accounts would have it but as the sate time we can and no evidences of a change in the inerest cf seller. There arg probanty FOTDO consumers who will take certain imo that they care become tamlitar with and besitate very Mule bout pagina the price asked; but the average buyer to do great deal of difference of d.tr per or more, preference over a maker's Toere to plenty of American of ail grades to the requirements of consumers, and every bundred of tron that placed has sotne tatuapon the price of our home prodnot, notwithwhat may be sand to the contrary. This the future of the market dependent wore or upou the course foreign markets tar and, consequence, the outlook in to the least. At times the markets reported better, with some improvement bat demonstra ed besond doubt these reports are of DO account so our market is concerned, simply for the reason foreign bave an enormous surplus stock, and do pot an opportunity to, rid themselves of a portion of it.
Last week the Scotch market 1 cabled firmer, but to face of this inielligence lota of some of the best trands were offered for livers, any time the Dext montha, at lower than bare jet been quoted this our option, the in far short of being favorably aruated, though not an utterly bopeless one. chatre for the better can scarcely be anticipated until tho surplus stock and excossive production, both bere and abrond, aro cartalled materially. furtber decline in prices depends, of course, wholly spot the pressure to sell either foreign or American but if thet pressure should become Do greater it is at present there some chance of the prices DO ruing sustained. The mage of prices remaica a for No. 1 loanders, 50 for 9 founder, and for grey tore, according to brand.
Scotch -There considerable variance in prices at the present Line, great deal depending upon the standing of the buyer and the amount of tron that wwald be taken. For instance, ordinary pare -is from store are not 18 be bad at prices under pose quoted last week, while large buvers, in good condition. would And Do difficulty whatever in securing 500 or 1,000 ton lots as round controt those So sellers are concerned, bowever, there are DO similar conditons. In brief, the sttuation such that they may be able to obtain last week's prices for moderate quantities of tron, though the least decided pressure to sell would cats a serious break. The quotations on store lots remain about $90 for Egiinton; 8 tor Glengarnock: $03 for Gar aberrie: for summerlee, and $93 for Coitness.
THE MARKETS- DAILY REVIEW. BALING market for bagging was Arm, with a fair trade on the basis of our previous quotations. Ties were quiet and unchanged. We qucte round lot as follows, small lote being He bieber: Jute bagging 9-Ibs. mixed, standard mixed.
2-ibs, fax. Kentucky Iron ties at co per buodia. Baling twine, per ib for hemp, and lie for jute. BEANS -Prices were supported. We quote prime Davy at $3 per bushel.
BUTTER-There was moderate demand, and prices were supported. We quote fair to choice country batter at Western Reserve, nominal; creumery, tlo. CANDLES Nos. 4 to 8, for full weights, COTTON--The market was steady and prices were unchanged. We quote for middling up and, for middling, for good ordinary.
and for ordinary: stained. lower. CORNMKAL-Boited, $1 25 per 100 lbs, and kito-dried at $8 per barrel, CHEESE- Demand fair. and prices were EUStained. We quote Obio factory for skim and cream respectively.
COfFER-There was quiet and rather tame feeling in the market, but prices were not quotably lower. We quote Rio common. 100 gocd prime, choice to tance, 12c; Taguayra 180 14 Java, 14c; Kentucky at lapar busbol, Raymond City and Campbell's creek, 18ctcoke, 1101 13c; Anturacite at $850 per ton. Pittaburgb afloat 10c. CUT NAILS- We quote at 99 90 per keg, and the anallor numbers at the usual ditterence.
EGGS were moderste and prices steady. Wo quote fresh arrivals to casos at 101 0 Lie per doz. FEATHERS -There were DO new features, quote prime goose feathers at 55c; mixed FIELD SEED-We quote follows: German milet. $8 60; and Hungarian, $1, 1001 20. FLOUR -The market was Arm and without new features in an particular.
Demand was only moderate, bus with amall receipts prices were well supported. 00 Back Extra. Choice faney 00 A Extra 0004 8868 FRUITS- -There is a good demand for sound, ripe but a inrge part of the receipts. saving greed. cell with low prices.
We quote green apples, fair to choice shipping order, at 803 45 from store, Red nominal, and black raspberries 600 $1 per busbel, an to quality. lemons, $60.7 per box. Oranges Messina, per 50. Bananas, Cocoanuts, per 100, apples dried 110150 far celed. for unpeeled.
GRAIN- WHEAT- The market quiet and enStrely nominal, There is notbing to report in contracts for future delivery, buyers and sellers CORN- The market steady, with a slow mand from all quarters. We quote No. 9 at for mixed and See for white, buying, -Nominal. RYE- Nominal. quote on arrival.
Quiet and unchanged. ing price tor mixed and for white MILL OFF aborts mixed at 50; and dings nominal. GINSENG- Offerings remain light. prime new root at $1.60, BAY--Dull and witbout new features. We prime to choice timothy at mixed timothy, commas.
$100.11 on track or from store an RIDES AND SKINS -Prime dint 170, prime dry- at No. 8 dry prime No. 9 greengreen, country 50c, butobere $1 abearlings HOMINY AND GRITS Grits at $3 15 HORSE AND MULE SHOES -Borse 04 00, and mule shoos 5005 00 standard MANUPACTURED TOBACCO LOUISVILLE NAVY. Best bright, white Biters, bright, white Biters, 8-02. rod 510 I white white alters, 8 Green-river Biters, Oilers, best common black.
SMOKING TOBACCO. grade. Ins, He and emoting and and to papor TOBACCO. Arrivals and Departures. Gon.
Lytle Cincinnati. Magrie Bright Light W. Gat Gattrie Henderson Silver Cloud river. Nome Golden U. P.
Orleans. Jas. D. Parker Pittsburgh River. Bummess and Weather.
river was still falling last evening, with six feet four toches water in the canal and four feet four inches in the chute on the fails. good. Westber clear and warm: during forenoon, rain storto as DooD, cloody at night. Bonts Leaving This Tun Rainbow for Henderson at 4 this afternoon. from the foot of Fourth street.
Tun big United Slates leaves for Cincinnati at 8 o'clock! from the foot of street. She's a "bummer." Personal. THE Eckert will exenrt on the 4th. MoNDAY la the Glorious Fourth." CAPE. R.
J. Guace la very ill at Pittaburgh CAPE. DUGAN has returned to St. Louis. A BRIDAL party went up on: the Gen.
sorterday. THE Gaff got a number of passengers here reserday. The Moonbeam excurted up the river and back last mitt. Tar Ohio river turned. red juet after the storm yesterdas.
CAPT. DICK SINNOTT, of the Jesse K. is at Hot Springs, Ark. THE Music took en excursion party to Sugar Grove and return yesterday. CAPT.
Bos Wise is accompanied on the Gaff this trip by bis wife and foully. Mn. ARCHIE WOOD, clerk of the Bright Light, is an accomplished gent emat. Tue Shalicross makes her regular excursion trip to Fern Grove and return this evening. BILLY obe of the best el arks and nose popular gentlemen on the ziver, raceding a tew de re among his many friends to this city.
CAPT. BENRY A. JONES was doing well at the Eureka Sortags, in Arkansas, at advices, was expecied to start for home on 100 10 of Juts. SAM BRYANT has taken charge of the Gall's forecastle in vinca of Tom Betta, who Das gone to his farw, scar New Riotmond, to hervest his crops, JAMES Has, the well-known steward, bas goue to the Bide Lick to tellere Ed Brown in the of the Mr. Brown will go to Hot Springs, to spend the summer.
Tom HALL, the news perambulator of the Cincingas Cut-short, can't- stand best. The bot Weather affects his brain. which gives thie bot weather doesn't let up 500D, Tom will have to be muzzled before he bites somebody. CAPT. A.
T. GuMoRs returned from Mexico with a pet which is very much attached to him. He walks with cane, stands up when be eats and hes on his face when be alcess. He wanie to give it sway to somebody who will take more pains with than he has been taking. "OLD UNCLE JACK" and two otliers made narrow escape trom being drowned resterday on falls white They were in skid, and the frail boat upset in a "slough," and all of them came near banding in their bets.
Jack was bully bath, but a damned close Our Log. THE Goiden City and U. P. Schenck are due up The Bright Light to M. Louis, Silver Cloud to Tennessee river and to Memphis, all with good tripe, gassed down The Golden Crown for New Orleans The Fiat Shinkie for Memphis Sunday The States Mail Compans is going to binid big The Morgan leaves New Orleans, for the Obio, Toe Pittaburgh a due up tonight or in the The Cloud retires from the Cincinnati and Tennessee River The Paris C.
Brown left New Orieans Wednesday fur The Jas. D. Porter due The Chas. McDonald arrived from Pomeroy with a tow of The Central Trutsit Wbartboat is now entirelr out of the water, and an obstruction to the public landing. Her ers propose to let her lie there un.il there rise sufficient to floss ber off.
A party has offered $1.800 tor ber ste lies, but her owners are disincitoed to The fat run of the Gem Citz. from Louis to 8t. Paul, about whieh there bas been so much blowing at St. Loui4 only brats that of the Hawkero State minutes, in 1807. The was a Pittsburgh-bufit boat.
The Phaeton Disaster. CINCINNATI Euquirer, yesterday: "MarsVILLE, June 29, 1:45 P. M. -The impression provails here to-day toat there wos a greater loss of life ty tte destruction of the Phaeton yesterday than was reporied, end it to expecied that Ove or names will te added. to tba list of deaths when ibe full truth is known.
Ttree persons are miesica from this ely and Aberdeen, who are bellevad tO bave teen of the til -fated boat, but as all the 1 55800- gers were not rootstered it 19 Known postutvely ibat they are lost. Timothy Bearers, the scalded fireman, died at the City lodrmars last to great agony. An examination of the body that a picas of troa tad been driven Into and very It. His wife errived from Rome, Ohio, within an hour after his de.to. This nO.
ting bend.es booy was found pear the wreck, sup os id to be that of Samuel Revoolds, of this cay. Fart of a body, thought to be a luaz. a leg and a Aver, are reported found in another Tocee discover as indicate the terrible nature of the disaster. The only pert of the wreck Dow rimble is a part of the bail. It lies tust Brooks' Bar, to the right of ha bel, and not in the war of steamer, The of tba Phaeton was found a fourth of a toile distant from the spot, and part of tab boiler on top of the bills in county, Obo, a mile AMUSEMENTS.
tine Mirror Marble Stab Bureau; 1 Marble Slab. Washstand; 1 Divan and 6 Also balance of a stock of family Grocertes, 6. G. LENKY, BOOTS, BROGANS OPERA SLIPPERS AUCTION, P. WOOD 00-y Tada (Friday) morning at 19 o'clock.
ARCHIE JOHNSON, FOURTH OF JULY! HO! FOR A BIG TIME -AT THEZOO PARK! ing KENRY attractive ISRAEL celebration taker pleasure for July 4 nest. announ THREE RACES, First--MILE RACE prize, one bale cotton, Second- GENTLEMEN'S RACE -Entrance Ave per cent. -Dash of one mite; parse $45 SLOW MULK RACE -Last mule in wins the race. Mules now wanted. SHADE! COOL AND COMFORTABLE! REFRESHMENTS.
THE PLACE ON THE FOURTH. Admission 25 centa, Came one, come all. Picnic and music. Note- Cars charge 10 cents. To enter mules apply in writing to 297 Third st.
Season tickets will be good on this day. First Grand Boat Excursion GIVEN BY THE EUTERPE SOCIETY, July a. 1881. elegant and comfortabie steamer T. F.
ECKERT. Steamer witt leave the landing at the toot of Fourth avenue st 6 P. and return 11 members trip Tickets can be obtained from thy of the society, and Sunday evening at the boat, STEAMBOATS. LINK lout of Third st. DAILY 3 CLOCK M.
for CINCINNA Connect with all moralog trains and ap-river packets, Hound-trip Treketa 85, until used. Ticket, Offices- No. 40 Fourth Felow Main, and on board HAYS, Agent. Ja00 da Sutt Memphis and Ohio River Packet Company. THE ELEGANT STEAMER VINT SHINKLE, LINDSAY, Master, MOOKE, Clerk, Leavesfor Evansville Paducah, Cairo, an! SUNDAR.
JULY 3, at 19 WILL S. FS, NO. 49 Fourth below Mata, Freight and Paseager Agedt. LIVE AND LET LIVE. HERE WE ARE.
For Cannelton. Troy, Owenaboro, Evansville, and the elegant Steamer Master, above on For treatht or passage apply to THOS. SMALL, Agent. Regular U.S. Mall and Adans Saprass Co, Packet For Owensboro, Evansville and Hen RAINBOW T.
GILMORE. Master, leave as above oa Tais DAY. July 1, 1P. trom eity whart. E.
C. LEVL STEAMSHIPS. ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE, I Ceneral Trans-Atiantic Company, D. 0 North River. foot of Morton street.
New and Havre. Pier of Com. Travelers by this avoid both transit by English and the discomfort of crossing the Channei to a small boat. LABRADOR, Wednesday, Noon. ST.
LAURENT. Servan. Wednesday, 18. AMERIQUE, July Price of passage To $100 and Second 840, including bedding sad LOUIS DE BEBIAN, Bowling Green, foot of OF AD. southeast cor.
Main Agent, THE ANCHOR LINE most the reasonable charges. M. stoa. MULDOON CO. the Agents, Louisville, Jet codima CUNARD LINE Ships accommodation of line for will be European dispatched, a fordERA Apply 10 D.
O'LEARY. Franklin Bank, 68 Firth APPELLATE ELECTION. JOSEPH- H. LEWIS Candidate for the office of Judge of the so Court I of for the by Third Appellate of Chief District, all the vaca the death natico Cofer. de To the People of the Third late Judicial District of tucky, AM a candidate for the office of Judge of the Court of to Coter, the thankful for by the and will be your support.
JOSHUA F. May 34, my 25 d4 To the Voters of the Third late District of Kentucky. AM a candidate for Jude of the Court of Appeals, I to all the unexpired term of Hon. M. 1.
Corer, ceased. Unacqusinted in some portions of the die trict, you will allow me to say that I have been a chvillas in active law practice for 31 years, Confiding my to she people, I ask and will thane then for their support E. RUSSELL, Lebanon, Kg. TO-DAY'S AUCTION SALES BY S. G.
HENAY STONE. Fine Furniture and Groceries AT AUCTION. Jaly at suction rooms, we will sell LOTTERY. THIRTY-THIRD POPULAR DRAWING Commoawealth Distribution Co. Thursday, June 30, 1881.
The following 1 de a of the drawn the prizes opposite: This is to certify that we. the undersigned. the record of the drawn numbets of the Thirty-third Drawttg of the Commonwealth Distribution 00 which in the city of Louisville. Theater, June 80, and the following in correct. No.
Prize. Prize. No. Prize. 61 .1.000 23880R 10.125 11, 15 546.
da 918. 007. S83999 100 00 100 16 92. 20 RBRASR8 1,000 00 12.514. 13 0.8.....1.000 13 00 16.
16.420. 10 11 16, 516. 11.01... 18.8.7.... 18,8:0...
84,507. 50 30.000 21.014..... 08886 21.064... 21.106.. 24 50 c80.
eaves 91 85888 300 100 ..100 500 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Prize 1,000 tickets the two ending of the number which drew the Capital Prize, to 810, North AND Core as 00 150 0 (100 0), and 175 Kentucky 17e; 170 per Sotrite turpentine. PROVISIONS market end quoted. Demand good. quote on the basis of PORK at $18 50 per BACON 6.75c; clear rib elenr aides, 9.80c, LARDSUGAR CURED 14 1143 1140 per bacon DRIED per POULTRY- good at previous prices.
bens, spring 81 800 478 per dos to and condition. -Prices were supported. Ten. puta at for common and toP prime, and white RICE and' at SALT We quote at bbis at 81 950-18 bbls, 31 Oblo river dairy at and Syracuse all free on board. SUGAR- The and prices ruled lower.
We quote granulated at and crumbed and powdered at A white 1063 extra at 9394: 0 standard New Orteans open Bettie and clarified at 10c. SOAP olive and roan at 805e per STARCH- per lb for inrge and small lots. quote at $10 50 on track or loves. TALLOW -60 per 1b. VEGETABLES- The onty feature of note was a dein potatoes.
We quote. new Southera potatoes 8909 50, and bome-grown. 8930 50 per bbl from onions, $803 50 per bol; cabbage, for bome-grown per bbl; green 88. DIE, and snap heads The per but: tomatoes $2 25 per busbel on arrival; cucumbera 80 8 55c per dozen. wine at $1 08.
and without quotable changes. We quote at for clothine: for comband for tubwashed; burry and black The Leaf Tobacco Market. The receipts in the expired portion of the current week amount to about 700 bogsbends. The market was sotive and for dark and heavy tobaccos pries ruled Burley were scarce and selling for bighess prions of the The contract for 18,500 Bogebeeds tacky tobacco wis awarded to the Orm of Welsh, of Pufladelphia. This is a Erm in rezte circles, the sector partner Hayes' miniatration, the a the Volted States the Court of The Arm to tensivoly interested in the sugar trade, having large Whether the ver connection, or Inte Minteter'e diplomatic sociations, be of the present venture, this depocent knows not.
It la that the bids were than (hose on the last contract. Campo, though having on band part, Isast, of the necessary supples, for delivery on last Fear's contract, is said to bave "plaged it very on the Spanib Government br surrendering bis forfeit and selling out bis purchases large This is the of the trade, and implies nothing dishonorable on Campo's part. The warebouse movement in Jupe follows: WAREHOUSES. end Ninib 1,440 701 197 Falls Green Louisville City. Enterpnse.
Total. 9,117 Total, 1 766 Total, 1579. 5,048 Total, 1578. 7.141 The sales to-day aggregated 811 tributed as follows: The PLANTERS' HOUSE sold $0 abds: 5 bbds Adair county lest and lugs at $6 80, 6 30. 5 50, 5 56 and 45: 2 abds Ohio county leaf and lugs as 84 90 and 96: bhds county leaf and trash at 93 90, 485, 5 25, 6 50 and 6 80; 10 bhds Indiana leaf, and trash at 84 10, 5 15.
4 80. 5 40. 4 10, 4 20. 8 3 and 8 60: 6 bbds old leaf and lugs 85 85, 4 70, 0 10, 5 13, 6 10 and 4 90. The BoUsE sold bhds: 2 bhds MoCracken county leaf at 59 60 and 6 60; 8 bista Carroll coutly lugs at 99 and 11 Gads Ohio luva at $7 90, 4 80.
4 96, 4 10, 8 20. 8 60. 3 50, 8 and 8: bbde McLean county lugs as $4 90, 40, a 85 and 60; 4 at private mie. The PICKRTI sold 25 bhda: 5 bbds Warren countr lest as $7 80, 6 60, 6 40, 5 85 and 4 96; 1 abd Warren county lugs at $4 18; 8 bhis Grazson county loaf at $5 60 4 5 buds Daviess county at 94 15, 8 99; 10 bbds Dubois county (ind.) lent and lugs at 84 80, 4 56. 4 4 25, 4 50, 4 20.
4 15. 8 8 60 and 80; 1 bbd Green county leaf at $5 60, The PeoPLE's sold 6 8 abds son couniy at 40, 5 78 and 8 60; 1 had Weakler county (Tena.) leaf at 86 20; Trousdale county (Tenn.) leaf at 10 and 4 80. The HOUSE bbde: bbds county leaf and 10, 1 90, 6 50, 4, 0 85, 5 and 4 9 bids Daviess county and 60, 6 20, 400, 5 40, 6 70, 45 and 5 50; (midweil county leaf and Ines at 87 10, 6 60, 6 68, 5 90, 8n and 5 80; bhds lugs 4 15, 8 80 and $90: 4 Sunpeon couuty lost and lugs at 80, 5 50, 4 78 and 10; 8 ahda Marion county leaf and lags at $5 15, 1 80 pad 4. The NINTH-STREET HOUSE sold 77 bhde: bhds Cumberland county leaf and lugs at $7 6 40, 6 4 80. 4 56 and 4 20; 10 bids leaf and at 98 60, 6 6, 6 10, 6.
78, 45, 3 80, 85 and c0, 74: 40. 29 5 bbds 5.25, Warren 5 20, 6 county 6 6 and 80, at 6 03, 05, 40, 0, 5 00. 5 85, 4 10, 8 95, 85, 8 95, 8 85 and 90; bbds McLean counts leaf and lugs at 80, 590, 6 55, 60, 5 60, 6 50, 8 85. 3 90, 4 15, 4 15 end 85; 8 buda Grayson county leaf and lugs at $8 20 and 4 45: 5 bbda Trousdale county (Tor leaf and logs $5 85, 5 50, 4 55, 8 90 and 30 Montgomery county loaf, lugs and trash at 16 14 15 60, 10 10, 20, 4 00 and 4 15: 1 Carroll county medium luge 18 bids Owen county leaf. lags and trash $21, 15, 19 75, 19 78, 19, 17 75, 16 25.
13 25, 8 50, 50, 8 aud 4 85. The PIKE Bots: sold 90 bbds: 2 bbds county common leaf and luas as $14 75 and 6 85: 3 bade Ohio county medium to common leaf at 5 90 and 5 00; 5 bids Macon county (Teun.) medium to common leaf as 26, 0 83, 5 85, 5 25 and 5 10; 1 bhr Mabinobery county common leaf at a6: bbds Santa county (Tenn.) Tues at 05, 4 55, 4 40 4 50; 1 Bumper county leaf and lugs $4 90, 4 55, 4 40, 8 95 and 1 The ROCHE sold 18 bade: 9 bhds Warren leaf lugs at 05, 5 55, 5 35, 6 25, 5 51, 6 5 50, 4 40 and. 8 95g 1 and Grayson county lugs $4 10: 7 bids Barren county leaf and jugs at 70, 6 40, 5, 4, 8 65, 10 and 8. 1 bid Trimble county at $4 65, The FALLS CITY HOUSE sold 27 hbda: 2 bbd: Bart county leaf at $7 60 and 8 bbds Metealte county leaf and lags at 86 25, 4 85 and 4 00; 2 Cumberland county lest at $6 and 8 82; a bhas Macon county (Tenn.) common leaf and lugs at $6 85, 5 and 8 85: beds Logan county leaf and Inas at $7. 6 20, 6 30.
5 10, 10 and 1 abd Mublenberz county at 85 70: 1 bb4 Ohio county leaf al $5 Todd county common lest sad lugs at $6 80, 5 90, 5 45, 6, 80 and 4 25; 3 bbds Ohio tugs at $6 00 and The FARMERS' WAREHOUSE COMPANY sold 90 bb0s: abd Davies county lent at 2 Green county feat at 16 50 and 8 4 bhds Barren county common leaf and jugs as 90, 10, 4 and 10; bhd Matcaite County leaf at 85 40; 2 bids Warren county luce at $4 85 and 1 20; 2 Daviess county at $4 10 and 4 20; 7 Caldereil county lugs at $1 96, 15, 4 05, 4 05, 4, 4 10 and 4 90; 1 bhd Carroll cond Ings at $5.95. The KENTUCKY TOBACCO A 830CTATION sold 23 bade: ands Owen leaf and trust 919 50. 10 75 add 5 40; 8 bbds Betry county lugs sod trach at $15, 1u 50 and 7 10: 9 abds Hart leaf and at 88 50, 7 80, 7 10, 6 80, 0 80, 6 80, 6 75, 4 60 and 8 95; 5 Ebds Warren county leaf at $5 E0, 6 30, 5, and 8 70: 3 hada Trimbie county common lugs at 84 45, 90 and 8 85, The GREEN-RIVER HOUSE sold 6 bbds: 9 bhds Bardia county Burley leaf and lugs at 1 $14 78 and 6 50: 1 hid county luus at 98; abd Green county leaf at 85 70; 9 beds Olio county lugs $4 80 and 4, The GILBERT HOUSE sold 5' 1 bbd Weakley county (Tenn.) leaf 83 45; bods Henry county (Tena.) leaf at $5 60 and 4 hbds Grayson county lest and lugs at $6 90 and 4 10, THE MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW FORK. June weak; recetpta 18,000 barrels; exporta 17,000 barrels; superfine state and Western 8404 65: common to good extra 94 100 525; good to choice white wheat extra 858506 25; extra Ohio 6 78: 8t.
Louis $4 700) 675; de innesota patent procos $6 200 B. GRAV-Wheat, cash and June red opened better, but to buyers' receipts 198,100 exports 360,000 bustel spring 51 12: No 8 81 15: No 9 spring 1 ungraded red No 9 do $1 2501 24; steamer do 81 15: No red 81 canal $1 9740: No 1 red $1 80t ungraded white 10 01 95: No 8 do 06: No 2 do $1 20: No I do sales of 5.000 basbels 81 No 2 red seller June, sales of 79,000 at $1 seller July, sales of 208.000 bushat seter August, sales of busbels at 81 seller September, sales of 800.000 busbeis Oorn. maricet opened strong and closed beavy: receipta bu bels: exporta 158.000 buabels: ungraded No steamer No 9 steamer white No seller June St July September Oats weak: recetp a 106,000 bushels: mixed Western white Western ofc. dull and in buyers' favor as eat HOPS quiet bat stendy: Eastern and Western 22c; New York State Cottee quiet and unchanged: Ito cargoes quoted at fob lots dull and unchanged; fair to good reining 08c. Molasses quiet and unchanged: retibing quoted as 86 Rice steady and to moderate demand; Rapin bond PETROLEUM United Pipe Line crude TALLOW steady at ROBIN la at $9 10.
quies but steady at at PROVISIONS Pork dim and moderately active: old 816 50 16 Dew $17. quiet and unchanged; city extra India mess Cut menta quiet but clear middles do Lard strong: prime steam 11 60. BUTTER is Arm and la good demand for esport as 100 dull as CHICAGO, June nominal'y unchanged: common to choice Western $105 do Desota patenta 7 50: fair to oboice wiater low Wbent settled and lower: No Chicago spring $1 1101 114 31 July: 81 Spring A 31 81 seller rejected No Chicano seller June: seller July: seller Augusts selier September. Oats strong and higher; seller June; setter July: August: seller September, Rye caster at Barter and unchanged at 81, steady with a fair 816 00 $16 16 45 seller $16 2 16 60 seiler September. Lard in wood demand and prices a abade a 11,500 11.800 seller seller Bulk meats stendy and unchanged: shoulders 95 rib $8 short clear 88 steady and chanced at 81 10.
to Buffalos corn OILICAGO. June the last call board (hie DOOD was but not quotabls lower. Corn steady with a tair demand. firm Provision steady and utichanged. Recelpte: Sour 18.000 barrels; wheat 118,000 basbels: corn 616- 000 bustela: bushels: 8,100 bushels: barley 500 bushels.
Shipments: four 14,000 barrels; 99,000 corn 701,800 brabels: pata 000 bushels: rye 500 barley busbela. ez. Louts, June -Flour quiet, and trip extra $500 25: family 8. 6 10; fancy $6 and unsettled: No red $1 15 cash June: 81 1400 ler Auntst: $1 1 184 do no to and thirty-third for, in honor that the are drawn from 100,000 in the of the berewith. B.
BOTD, July 8. The next drawing place July 20, 3851, 34th POPULAR MOSTELY DRAWING OF THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. Total 66,715. 30R3ARR 30 1 100 100 ARR BARBRARR In the City of Louisville, Saturday, July 30, 1881. These drawings oceur monthly under provisions of an set of the of Kentsoky, the and NeW Co.
approved April to a special has never repealed. The United States Cireutt Court. on. March 81, dered the following Pint- That the Commonwealth Distribu. Elon Company Second are fair, THE COMPANY RAB NOW ON HAND A LARGE RESERVE Read the List of Prizes for the JULY DRAWING.
600 1,000 10.000 APPROXIMATION 6300 2200 Prizes, 8100 900 1.060 $119.400 Whole Tickets Half 27 Tickets, 55 Tickets 8100. Remit Money or Bank in DO SEND OK ward, boy at our COMMERFORD, be line for WANTED. female, Working Drop all kinds especially invited and meet at CITY HIRING OFFICE, 331 Finn High for those who excel. The drat citizens obtala itable help. Position young pers inan A anent good ANT.
promising. DOOR TUNER, this WANTED WHITE for the -We'l sammer, to recommended, wash and iron. Apply at southeast corner. and way. WANTED of three reliable, chliaren.
competent person quire at ouce at cor. Fifth and Chestnut. ANTED fectionery, n. W. Tenth to CUSCADEN'S eta.
ConTO PURCHASE machine, aigle, Gibbe ly new, of in this guod office. order. Good price pats. A. C.
D. care cod WANTED recomm G001 inded. German Apply Wainat at. bet. Floyd aud Preston.
WANTED TO second hand, SUNBEAM, Leitenield, Ky. WANTED Address class one WANTED OLD pay the 804 Market pries, at DRES'S ARCADE mai. 01 ANTED cottage RENT--A locality small for 830 per louse or less. pay three or six months in and give tLe best of reference. Address this office.
WATER notice 4t that HENRY Kr. in SCHOLTE. Agent for the sale of our INSECT All purchases made of are A. mos de salaal ANTED cures of all 1 call on Dr. RICE, Hours daya: 2 to 4 P.
M. ad furnished only at LANCA VAPOR TEK'S -ArS 90 Private and cured. The of a specialty. 004 WANTED 7 ANTED- -Revised New Testam compared with old version in parstiel column, change la langarge, punctuation and Italics bold type. A Com.
MARROW Jet coder FOR SALE FOR SALE -PIANOS class and desirable, with en tone. You don't Reventh and and -on's commissius. JAS. VARY. FOR SALE or manufactering croand, 900 feet Treaty second near cheap.
PEARCE BODLEY, 400 Main street. FOR double mill, with log cars, wheel datures piete. Apply to W. T. du FOR best makes of very low Sewing prices, Machines, er In lots, in for many new, taken from fantites Gibba Genuine Singers, Domestic.
No. 8 Wheeler Wilson, 11 Fourth ave, Ky. Jun 15 cod keo5uis FOR now spring 181 wagons, new one-horse Jackson bet. Jefferson and Green. C.
SPIES. We. FOR the SALE -DRUG Owaer wishes STORE-One to of the best other stands bud city. go into ness, Will sett far cath or will trade for go real estate or whisky in coud. Address A.
this office. L'OR SALE-WALSUT STREET CORKER LOT100x161 corner Walnut ton streets. at a Look It. BUCHANAN South side Matt below Fourth. FOR engines 12324 engine one boilers an baiters.
with trust grates, drums, complete. T. PYRE. FOR Hollers assort Second-hand Engines. la order.
HADLEY. WRIGHT 00. spolia. Ind. da wtt FOR and -A large W.
T. of FOR piete. SALE 61 Fourth -CIGAR near STAND Main. TURES any as at FOR RENT. FOR -Feralabed or unfurnished, a responsible family or to gentlemen.
210 Tetra svenue. FOR RENT large and well room, without board, suitable for gentleman, quire at 600 FOR slugle or en suite, at Hotel Furnisbed Elliott, corner unturntahed, Second and E. N. BARTLEY. Proprietor.
VOR mill, RENT -FLOUR model newly up, shares BALTON, or per care of subain 10 reliable Son, coal party. Address Murphy office, Third city. FOR room, ROOM A destrable Fourthstore centrally The store room and basement on the side Fourth Market and Jefferson, at present by Mr. 2. Martin, with ed lit on of 50 feet in the rear now being erected, which wit make it 125 feet one of tue most desirable stores to be hat on Fourth st.
to Possession R. ROBINSON on the drat day of Apply A. 61sth. FOR Best RENT location, ince Lebanon, $30, tures, gas. senion given August 1.
Address Box IL. Lebanon. jet codit FOR RENT -STORE. jocation, SC nice -In Lebanon, about gas. Possession gives Augan L.
Aadress Box IL, Lebanon. Jet eodu FOR Main, RENT- near will be 214 and as as a whole. or divided. making two store Apply to R. on the the side of Walnut street.
First and First very and Walnut. desirable. Apply to D. MONTZ, dir FOR RENT-BRICE RESIDENCE With 10 lance lot. on to Market Righteenth Sinetesnta.
Apple 8. LEVI. dit FOR COUNTRY. TOR notions SALE- A full I'ne of goods, groceries at bargain will be given to auy one to the stock. ent stock will run to bat, will reduce the stock suit will sold very For particalare B.
K. or CALLENDER, Oldbac county: Ky. Ind 6 SALE infles 100 acres ille. in Clark M. and county, from Jefferson on R.
Cement and butiding: material in Call Jets ou or codi2 address UNO. PEET. Cementville, FOR SALE- HOUSE- One good 6-story frame lot with 8 rooms, good outbutldings, well and cistern. good store house, and my stock general merchandise. to close my business will seil merchandise very Thie rood Any one would to further and see county, Ky.
H. cods FOR SALE FINEST LOCATION in Southera Kg. for Having arranged more bast want to entire nock of dry responsible parte Can the best dr goods stock and the proof all ins mock, or will admit a dim, 050. W. Trenton, LOST.
OST WALLET money, come postage and Come Valuable only to me. A reward will be to the finder on return to at No, 11 Center at this office. COCHRAN. ORT Sixth and Seventh or On war and Ward. to Fitta and receive Ibaral reward.
LOT OR date, for mene of brA Third National this JAMES, June 29. BOARDING. Gent reinaming during their TAURANT, board, and at than to Buy 6 at the reduced 16. cod with fret class board ence had required. applying due Refer STRAYED Jane 34 between white 1.000 spotted co 1.100 straight A horns, her return to Bourdon or SON.
STRAYED BAY HORSE- on bande left high, Liberal black at No. Gray number. W. BOSTICK STRAYED OR STOLEN. TRATED OW STOLEN color.
about A liberal 20, 1 for ate owner at AUGUST ELECTION. E. F. MADDEN 88 5a STOCK. STOCK.
Total la a candidate for the do to the.